Reflux Centre of Help.

Reflux, is when the acid content in the stomach moves up into the food pipe or oesophagus causing considerable pain and discomfort. Symptoms may vary from baby to baby and can display itself in many ways such as unsettled sleep, coughing, vomiting, nasal congestion, stuffy noses, poor feeding, and irritability.


Our Passion

Having an unsettled baby is distressing. Our passion is to be part of a team of healthcare professionals who will help you navigate the maze and find the path for a treatment plan which is right for your baby. Sydney South Compounding can answer your questions, Making it Better...


Our Formula

Over many years we have formulated, refined and stabilised our unique Compounded Omeprazole suspension, which doctors may call “Losec”. It is often a key part in the treatment of baby Reflux.

Our formula has been used and tested by many babies and we have become one of the most trusted and reliable compounders in this area. We formulate it so that you can easily give an accurate easy to take dose.

There are many factors we consider when compounding a stable and successful Omeprazole suspension. It is not simply a matter of dissolving a tablet in water. Instead a suspension must be produced fresh and under strict conditions, with accuracy around temperature, concentration, flavour, pH, the base and even the bottle it’s stored in. We have mastered a solution and have a unique formula that WORKS.


The Process

Sometimes the process can become complicated and Omeprazole may be less effective for your baby. In these cases your doctor may determine your baby is a rapid/ultra/extensive Metabolizer. We help you understand what this is and the symptoms to look for.

We also carry a wide range of specialised infant formulas to cater for lactose and soy intolerance.

Our staff will guide you through the process - even when it is complicated. We will listen to you and educate you so together we can Make it Better.

We can also deliver the same day in Sydney or next day out of Sydney to Make it Easier for you.



We can also deliver the same day in SYDNEY or next day out of Sydney to Make it Easier for you.